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At 6pm last night at Cagneys we were waiting on the arrival of a family from Germany who were booked in at our B&B for the next 3 nights. Eventually, after a long delay, the family appeared at 11.15pm with a very tired young child. We showed them to their room and I explained a few things in my very broken O Level German! I said goodnight and left them to settle into their room. At 2am the family packed up and left and headed to Santa Pola in search of a hotel for the night. The reason? Our recently reopened neighbouring bar thinks it is acceptable to pump loud music out til this time of the morning for the umteenth time on the trot in a residential area with no consideration for anyone!!!
I was not prepared to call the police as there is enough trouble in La Marina with one bar snitching on another but at the same time I do not think it is fair that I should lose 200Euros revenue so that 4 people can sit in a small bar til the early hours drinking and having their eardrums blasted off. What has happened to the midnight curfew on music?

La Marina

Is this new bar Spanish owned ? If so, it's one law for them and one law for the Brits. See my flip-flop thread.

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2013-08-25 09:43:46 UTC

Reading old posts on here I thought that it was agreed by Tommy that all noise would be kept to a minimum and no noise after what happened, has that rule been rescinded?
Also to to add fuel to the fire, (no pun intended) I met a friend in Chief O Neils, talk about noise from both them and the Hogs Head, it WAS LOUD, my friend tells me the people opposite the bars have all been driven out.

Commented electrons in Elche 2013-08-25 09:50:46 UTC

Those people made a contract with you, there was nothing wrong with the room as they accepted it and used it until 2am. They should have paid you for the three nights, you cannot legislate for what goes on outside your establishment..

Commented hazel in La Marina 2013-08-25 18:17:24 UTC

I hear what you are saying but at the same time we are not unreasonable people and we really felt for this family so understood totally why they couldn't stay. Contract or no contract we can not be responsible for what is going on around us . When we advertise our B&B we do not include a clause that says. please be aware that you may not be able to sleep at night as we have unreasonable noisy neighbours!! And Stocky D to give you a clue our neighbours are Dutch!!!

Commented cagneys in La Marina 2013-08-26 00:05:31 UTC

I wouldn't consider complaining about such noise as snitching
being its a lost of revenue to your business

But if no one complains then it will continue.
And I believe you have to put such things has noise in your description of detail.
Other than that unfortunately without guests you have no business

Commented FOX160 in La Marina 2013-08-26 06:10:52 UTC

I do feel sorry for you and you are correct, you should not be forced to loosing €200. It is not right that your clients have been driven out by neighbouring bars who do not want to stick to the rules. However talking to a friend who lives on La Marina, I doubt the Police (part of the council remember) will take any action as they have openly stood back whilst people around the Consum area have been forced out of their homes because one or two bars just want to do as they please.
Have you thought of contacting Tommy about this as it looks like he was the person responsible for introducing the Music & noise levels that he agreed with both the residents and bar owners.

Commented electrons in Elche 2013-08-26 12:55:47 UTC

Hi Cagneys
Can you give us an update, did you manage to resolve this problem, after all I assume that you an not afford to keep loosing revenue.

Commented electrons in Elche 2013-08-28 15:44:10 UTC

just being picky electrons....there's only one o in losing.

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2013-08-28 16:47:15 UTC

Hi Electrons, thank you for your concern. No, the matter is still not resolved as we refuse to 'snitch' on other bars. We are fully booked at the B&B this weekend and we are petrified that our guests will not be able to sleep due to the late night noise. Our bedrooms subsidise the bar hence the fact that we can sell our drinks at 1 Euro. We are frightened that the lack of consideration from our neighbouring bar

will resort into us having no choice but to increase our beer prices which we just don't went to do.
All sensible solutions would be appreciated!!!

Commented cagneys in La Marina 2013-08-29 00:33:15 UTC

have you had a word with the bar in question? or do you not get on with them?Were they part of the agreement with tommy and do they know about the midnight curfew. If you've done all that then they deserve to be reported.

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-08-29 04:51:33 UTC

Hi Cagneys
I can understand you not wanting to report other bars, but reading back on this forum it looks like Tommy and the local Council agreed withy both the bar owners and the local residents on a music licence just for the urb and that one of the main points, Point F. in the rules stated.
The local police will ensure the safety and tranquillity of the neighbours. Therefore, the persons in charge of the premises, should close the windows and doors as well as maintaining a reasonable music volume, in order to avoid disharmony with the neighbours.
This begs the question, if the music was loud then where were the Police, do the Police not actively patrol the urb and the bar area's?

Commented electrons in Elche 2013-08-29 08:46:10 UTC


Sorry, you are of course correct,

Commented electrons in Elche 2013-08-29 08:48:31 UTC

When we had the meetings with the bars, they all agreed to abide by the rules. At the time, I suggested that the bars form their own association so as to keep a dialogue with the Town Hall. Nobody wanted to do this, saying that they were too busy trying to run their respective bars. I fully understood that, so I offered to be a liaison between the bars and the Town Hall. Nothing has come of this.
I spoke to the Mayor last week and asked him how he feels the summer months have gone. He said he was pleased that everything had gone quite smoothly. I will be arranging further meetings with him in the near future. Everyone should be aware that he can only react to the information he receives, so if there have been problems, they have not been reported or passed on.
Cagney's, you cannot stand by and let another bar be responsible for you losing money. If it happens again, I would certainly call the police. I understand that it is not nice reporting another bar, but you would not be doing it maliciously, you would be doing it to save your livlihood. Big difference.

Commented Tommy in La Marina 2013-08-29 18:50:06 UTC

Sorry Tommy, problem is she would then be classed as a moaner.

Commented electrons in Elche 2013-09-01 11:48:56 UTC