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Is it possible to replace a bin please on Luis De Gongora just below the new Chinese LA Marina Market on the left going down.Its been reported several times with no lid on it.The smell from the bin is sickly and its guests the flies and vermin will be arriving shortly.A guy arrived with a new bin once,but because the old bin was ful he left.He then appeared the next day with a lid and no tools so he left again.Have not seen him since.Can anyone help please???

If you live on a community, go and see your President, otherwise go to the Town Hall and tell them your problem. Simple.
There seems to be a lot of people coming on this forum all of a sudden with all sorts of little problems, and challenging Paulino to sort it all out, and as soon as he takes a bit of time to answer, the morons are after his head. Give the man a chance. As I have commented on previous posts, Paulino has been a tremendous help to this Urbanisation, and to me. Despite what you read about politicians in Spain, he is one of the nice guys, and is very honest. We need everyone to get stuck in and help build up OUR Urbanisation again.

Commented Tommy in La Marina 2015-06-11 10:23:17 UTC


Commented hcifuen507 in La Marina 2015-06-11 15:37:45 UTC

Good Evening Councillor and thanks very much indeed.Thats service.I hope to see the bin in place tomorrow, once again,thank you,problem solved.

Commented blarter222 in La Marina 2015-06-11 16:27:45 UTC

Bins without lid are very common in the urbanisation. Last year I wrote to the Ayuntamiento and asked them to replace the bin outside my house. And it helped? No!

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2015-06-11 16:39:10 UTC

I cannot see why we should go to see Paulino, when he is willing to sort things out that appear on this Forum.
This Council promises Openness, What can be more open than a local Forum, Paulino as yet is getting great publicity by getting most of the problems sorted out, within days, and residents are openly praising him, You cannot be more open than that. The only time he will have a problem is when he stops answering people or does nothing to sort out the problems people have.
He is a big Boy now, He has been in the game a few years, I don't see why people have to try to protect him when he is doing so well on his own

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-06-12 06:34:32 UTC

Well said Tommy ..Go to the Town Hall / or your President instead of airing your moans on here!

Commented Poppy in La Marina 2015-06-12 07:36:20 UTC

Please read more carefully.The bin is Not in a community and I have been to the Town Hall three times.The problem has now been answered after three days on the forum as opposed to a year going back and forth to the Town Hall.The defence for the forum rests his case,Madam.

Commented blarter222 in La Marina 2015-06-12 08:34:17 UTC

Many congratulations on the safe arrival of your new bin....

Commented Poppy in La Marina 2015-06-12 09:16:23 UTC

Oh thank you,feel free to drop in.

Commented blarter222 in La Marina 2015-06-12 09:28:29 UTC

I rest my case.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-06-12 09:37:11 UTC

Hi Alan,this was my first post on the forum,I was just asking for advice after being unable to succefully get a bin through the normal channels in the last year.I have been shot at by two total strangers for no reason at all.The job was done very quickly by a Councillor who you and many others regard highly,including myself now.(Paulino)

This will be my last post,I don't want to get involved in slanging matches with people who must never have had any toys as children.What a pity everyone can,t play nice.Thanks for you support.

Commented blarter222 in La Marina 2015-06-12 09:53:51 UTC

I would of proceeded just the same as you did. exept I wouldn't of waited so long.
Its a shame that a couple of comments having a pop at you when one didn't wait to find out what you had done to get your problem sorted ,and the other didn't read what you had said.
Personally I have commented on this Forum many times, I have on many occasions been berated, I really do not have a problem with people who do not agree with me, that is their right, But in most cases I know they read what I write, otherwise they wouldn't reply.
The shame of it is that you probably feel bullied by a couple of comments, but at the end of the day, you actually showed them how to get things done. So if you feel you need to get something done, do as you feel it should be done, let the moaners moan it gives them something to do.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-06-12 10:55:21 UTC

Well said, Alan!

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2015-06-12 11:29:39 UTC

Blarter222, if you feel that you have been bullied on this forum, that is a shame, and it is certainly not my intention. I only stated what you could do. If you look back over the years you will see that Alan is very good at making the bullets for other people to fire. Also, if you look back recently, Alan does not think highly of Paulino, only when it suits. Also Alan, no one is having a pop at anyone, but then again you are very good at making mountains out of molehills, and putting words into peoples mouths. You intimated that I am a moaner. Sorry but I don't agree. The moaners are the ones who sit behind a computer all day thinking what comments they can make to stir things up, and never get off their backside to help the community or the Urbanisation. Talk is cheap. Only my opinion of course.

Commented Tommy in La Marina 2015-06-12 12:20:05 UTC

I think Tommy has just proved my point,(" I have been berated many times, but I call it as I see it".) He can try to ridicule me, it doesnt matter one iota, his opinion is just what he called it. The weird thing is Tommy goes on about people who sit behind a computer all day, apparently giving people the bullets, but doing nothing to help the Urbanisation or the community. Tommy is also a bit shrewd and mostly truthful when he says I havnt been too friendly to Paulino in RECENT times, he doesn't want the good things that I have said about Paulino in the past that also gets a mention . Which calls my point correct, I call it as I see it good or bad, with me you get what it says on the tin. But if he would like to explain the not helping the Community or the Urb. I would like to read it. So blarter 222 you have seen the good and the bad on here, I still think you may enjoy reading and commenting on this forum. LOL

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-06-12 12:50:47 UTC

There you go, point proven. No one has berated you or ridiculed you, but you try and make out that everyone else is the bad guy, hence your comment, 'so blarter222, you have seen the good and the bad on here'. Are you saying that I am bad??? Careful. Despite your numerous snipes at people on this forum and the never ending advice you have given, please enlighten us as to what you have contributed to our Urbanisation. Having said that, don't bother, as I am not getting into a tit for tat with you.I have'nt got the energy or the time to waste on such a mundane matter.

Commented Tommy in La Marina 2015-06-12 13:36:06 UTC

Last bit the good and the bad were comments not people
You try to slag me off and that is not berating-. Get a life Tommy.
Unlike you the things I do for the community stay with me and whoever else is concerned. I don't have to shout from the roof tops.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-06-12 14:03:57 UTC

I don't feel bullied,I don't get bullied,ever,verbally or otherwise.Quite frankly, I have better things to do with my time than argue online with strangers.I asked, I got.Will leave the rest to you and your fellow combatants.

Commented blarter222 in La Marina 2015-06-12 16:35:56 UTC

Just shows the last councillor for the urbs didn't get the bin in the last 12months Paulinho did it in 1day and not officially on the job till Monday

Commented david in La Marina 2015-06-12 19:46:30 UTC

I tend to not get involved commenting on this forum anymore but get the impression that it's Alan who gets bullied for daring to have an opinion of his own. It's fortunate that he's confident enough to defend himself.

Commented chalkie in Quesada 2015-06-12 21:34:53 UTC

Thanks for that Chalkie,,
Much appreciated,

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-06-13 06:02:31 UTC

Just to be fair david, blarter222,said he went to the town hall three times, Jeff worked from the Council offices, so we don't know if Jeff even knew about the bin. Same way as perhaps if blarter222 had known that Jeff could of been reached on the La Marina Forum, he would of contacted him there.
But at the end of the day the problem is sorted, blarter is happy, he got what he should of got a year ago, he persevered, so good on him.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-06-13 06:14:32 UTC

I do make lots of comments on here, and it does wind a few people up, But I speak as I find, The difference between myself and a few others, is that if I think I am wrong I will apologize, But I am not forcing any one to read my comments, they can always scroll past them, or ignore them or reply to them the choices are many.
Thanks for realizing I was being supportive.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-06-13 06:41:46 UTC

We finally managed to get two lovely new bins with lids, but nobody bothers to close them!!

Commented Norick in La Marina 2015-06-13 12:06:44 UTC

Nobody? Is that true?

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2015-06-13 20:51:54 UTC

Ah! reindeer keeper! As you are so concerned with the English language please look up "pedantic".

Commented Norick in La Marina 2015-06-14 13:35:45 UTC

of course "nobody" didn't include you. You are obviously a pedantic person and you would never leave the bin open. Sorry if I insulted you!

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2015-06-14 14:37:27 UTC