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Is it worth coming back?

Having parents lived in La Marina for 10yrs+ and spent a few summers over there a fair few yrs back, I am pondering if it's worth coming back to live some sort of dream or just relocate somewhere else in the surroundings or entirely. The place has seemed to have died due to the recession and from what I gather, never recovered, which leads to other problems.

I can't live on thin air, although prepared to work, finding work is a problem.

What are your thoughts on the area now and surrounding areas?

La Marina

Jobs are difficult to secure. I think you may struggle if dependent on a wage.

Commented chalkie in Quesada 2015-07-06 08:35:29 UTC

lacaaz, give me a ring on 966795212.

Commented Tommy in La Marina 2015-07-07 08:07:50 UTC