Spanish school kids play out killing English

Can't believe a school actually come up with idea, let alone allow pupils
to act out such a thing But also in assassination way!

La Marina

Responsible education at its best. I do hope the EU review this download when Spain asks for an Education Grant or even better European Integration grant.

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-09-29 12:21:21 UTC

Spain does not want you to know that she has her very own Gibraltar, a mirror-image of Britain's Rock which she has absolutely no intention of handing over to any foreign power this side of doomsday. Even while Spain demands the right to rule over 30,000 Gibraltarians who defiantly want to be British, Spanish troops, ships and helicopters stand guard over another rock, just 30 miles away, whose people equally defiantly want to be Spanish, but which Morocco claims for her own.
The Spanish Gibraltar is called Ceuta (say it see-you-tah, to rhyme with 'scooter') and the similarity between the two places is eerie. Both are military and naval bases dominated by fortified mountains in which tunnels and caverns conceal secret installations. Both have disputed borders. Both are small and cramped and long ago lost the purpose for which they were originally conquered. Both have populations which are racially mixed, but united in loyalty to the mother country.
Gibraltar has achieved harmony with a mixture of Jews, Catholics and Muslims. Ceuta's equally successful cultural melting pot has the same ingredients but also includes Hindus.
Spain wants Gibraltar. Morocco wants Ceuta.
The Spanish could easily puncture Morocco's demands by holding a referendum which would certainly show that almost nobody in Ceuta wants to leave Spain. But they dare not. For that would hugely strengthen Gibraltar's case - a case which will be underlined by a completely predictable pro-British vote due to take place a few weeks from now, where the only question is whether the pro-Spain faction will score above single figures.
It might also draw the world's attention to the fact that their case for holding on to this quirky little toehold is actually weaker than Britain's for keeping the Rock. By clever diplomacy since the days of the dictator Francisco Franco, Madrid has managed to keep up the monstrous pretence that Ceuta is not a colony, and therefore needs no changes, whereas Gibraltar is a colony, and so must be decolonised.

Commented goonerpeter in La Marina 2013-09-29 16:14:58 UTC

As an English parent of a child that school's here in Spain, the children are often asked to act out media reports and are allowed to make their own interpretations of what they believe the stories in the media are about (it encourages them to listen to what is going on around them and in the world), they are allowed freedom of speech and not encouraged to hold back, which in my opinion is a good thing. I believe that the media are to blame not the schools. Just my opinion.

Commented sam in La Marina 2013-09-30 08:23:03 UTC

Sam, I respect your opinion. Just wondered what your reaction would be if your child had said that they'd taken part in a play that he/she being executed because they were of British descent? The main cause of this problem is with the the Spanish Government.

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-10-01 11:52:47 UTC

Honestly, I would have appreciated it that it was the childrens interpretations of what they see and hear from the media. I appreciate it is a spanish government problem, however, I have had calls from concerned family members in England that war is breaking out, and the only way they have heard this is from the media.

Commented sam in La Marina 2013-10-01 12:40:19 UTC