Pensions cut and pasted from the BBC website for you.

Check out the BBC website for the latest on the pension situation which is an 'Odd situation'
The Pensions Bill will introduce a new flat rate pension based on individual contributions during a person's working life.
Current rules allow spouses who have not paid their own National Insurance contributions to claim a "married person's allowance" of up to £66 per week based on their husband or wife's history of NI contributions.
It's not about their nationality, it's about whether they have put into the British system”
Steve Webb

Pensions Minister
Earlier, in an interview with the Daily Telegraph, Mr Webb highlighted that some of those claiming a married person's allowance had never been to the UK, and this was unfair.

He later defended the fact the government had focused on people living abroad who are married to British citizens - even though the policy will affect people in this country too.

The minister said he had focused on that because the number of women in the UK claiming a pension based on their husband's record is falling steadily, while the number overseas is rising.

"We've got this rather odd situation where more and more of these pensions based on a spouse's record are people who may never have put anything at all into the system in the UK.

"It's not about their nationality, it's about whether they have put into the British system," he told BBC Radio 4's World at One.

He said of more than 200,000 pensions paid outside the UK, more than half of them were to people who had "never put a penny" into the British system.

New state pension Begins April 2016 Worth £144 a week at current prices Flat rate
35 years of National Insurance contributions needed for full amount
Not means tested
Mr Webb said rules would now apply equally abroad and in the UK.

I think the £144.00 flat rate pension will only be paid to new pensioners from the start date. If you are on a lower rate you will still receive your normal amount. Can anyone verify this?

Commented Peter Horsfield in La Marina 2013-05-10 09:25:30 UTC

I believe you are right Peter.When it was first announced,it was definitely stated
,that the new rate will only apply from the start date.
That was many months ago,but since then every thing I have seen,heard or read about this subject,this important point seems to be missing,although i have not heard that the original rules have been changed,I just take it that the many pensioners who will miss out on this,are not important enough to mention.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2013-05-10 11:00:50 UTC