more information about caterpillars removal campaign from Councilor Paulino

Julie thank you for your comments, I would like to let you know that they will be spraying the whole Urbanization, it will probably take around a week ,I am sorry I forgot to write it in my last post.
thanks again ..Councilor Paulino

Thank you for the update Cllr. Paulino, that sounds very satisfactory. A week spent spraying the pine trees of the caterpillar nests, should go a long way to eradicating this dangerous threat. I for one, shall be delighted to see the end of the spread, of this dangerous creature on the Urb, especially for the sake of small children and people's pets. Thank you once again, Cllr. Paulino.

Commented Julie in La Marina 2015-01-28 23:30:32 UTC